Legal Notice // Disclaimer
1. Contents of homepage
Dazoot SRL makes no warranties concerning the topicality, accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information provided.
Liability claims against Dazoot SRL regarding any damage, be it of material or immaterial nature, that might be caused by using any of the information provided, or by using incorrect or incomplete information, are ruled out. The author cannot be proven to be guilty of premeditation or gross negligence. Dazoot SRL explicitly reserves the right to change or delete any part of these pages or the website as a whole without separate notice, or to terminate the publication, be it temporarily or permanently.
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In the court case of May, 12 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Liability for links" the court of the city of Hamburg decided that when a link is created on a website, full responsibility is taken over for the contents of the linked website. This can be only avoided by specifically disclaiming responsibility for the contents of those pages.
We hereby specifically distance ourselves from the contents of all the links on our pages and declare that we do not take over any of the contents of those pages. This statement only concerns the links created on our website.
With regard to direct or indirect links to alien websites that lie outside the responsibility of Dazoot SRL no liability will be in effect, unless Dazoot SRL has knowledge of the contents and unless it is technically feasibly and reasonable for them to prevent the use of links to unlawful contents.
3. Copyright
If a copyright has been violated on this website, please inform us in order for us to repair this violation.
Dazoot SRL makes every effort to respect in all published pages the copyrights for any images, sound material, and text used, to use images, sound material, and text created by Cabanova GmbH, and to fall back on non-copyrighted images, sound material, and text.The copyright for any material created by the author is reserved. Any duplication or use of such contents (images, sounds or texts) in other publications is not permitted without the express agreement of Dazoot SRL.
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This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from. If sections or individual formulations of this text are not legal or complete, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact.
Copyright ©2023 Dazoot Software SRL All rights reserved.
Dazoot Software SRL
Splaiul Unirii 160 Sector 4,
Bucureşti 040041,
Tel.: 0314100220
CIF: RO 16341900
Reg. Com.: J40/6234/2004
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